Pastoral Office Hours
- As a rule, Pastor Jean’s office hours are Wednesdays 10 AM to 1 PM.
- To contact Pastor Jean email her at [email protected]; or call her at home phone 320-414-0202; cell phone 218-969-8349.
- Bob Mueller’s office hours are on Mondays 12 Noon to 3 P.M.; Tuesdays 3:30 to 6:30 P.M. The Church phone is 749-2140; cell phone for Bob is 320-630-0774; home phone 320-632-2654. Bob’s email address is: [email protected].
- To contact Pastor Jean email her at [email protected]; or call her at home phone 320-414-0202; cell phone 218-969-8349.
- Bob Mueller’s office hours are on Mondays 12 Noon to 3 P.M.; Tuesdays 3:30 to 6:30 P.M. The Church phone is 749-2140; cell phone for Bob is 320-630-0774; home phone 320-632-2654. Bob’s email address is: [email protected].